Last September took place in Estfeld (UR) the 12th Uri Stier Cup of Rally Obedience.
Regan and I participated, for the first time in class 2, at the competition, finishing silver twice (very good).
In the second run we even got on the podium, after winning an honorable third place.
For the third time Regan and I took part to in this beautiful competition organized by our friends in Erstfeld.
This time we had a beautiful sun day even if the temperatures were certainly not what we were used to in Ticino.
During the first run in the morning, a path designed by judge Ursula Habegger, Regan worked focused and attentive; she just forgot twice what “STEH” means so we gambled away those few points we needed to make “gold”.
The second run was challenging although creative and stimulating: many passages carrying a dumbbell; a jump with dumbbell and recall to the front which we never practice before, etc.
I am very proud of how my “girl” has shown the will to work and to follow me carefully. The lost points are due to a certain general fatigue. Compared to the first run, her heelwork was less accurate.
This was our first competition in class 2, and we were for several years out of the competition loop, so I am very satisfied and proud of my 11 year old girl.
We thank the Kinologisches Verein Uri for allowing us to publish the beautiful photos.